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Understanding Nonverbal Signs of Pain: A Guide for Caregivers


At Lenity Light Hospice, we are dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive care to our patients. One crucial aspect of our mission is ensuring that we manage and alleviate pain effectively. While verbal communication is a primary means of understanding … Read More

“Chord”ination of Music with Health Benefits: Music Therapy for Hospice Patients


Music surrounds us all. The very word “Universe” contains “verse,” reflecting the inherent musicality within us. It resonates in our bodies — in the rhythms of our heartbeats and the melodies produced by our vocal cords that are heard by … Read More

Navigating Common Equipment Issues in Hospice Care: Tips and Solutions


As a hospice caregiver, one of the most challenging aspects can be managing and troubleshooting medical equipment. From oxygen systems to mobility aids, the equipment essential for providing comfort and care can sometimes fail or be difficult to use. This … Read More

Medication Access and Affordability in Hospice Care: Navigating Challenges and Ensuring Access to Essential Treatments


Both palliative and hospice care present many challenges for patients and clinicians alike. From primary hospice diagnosis and facilitating different conversations to managing emotional distress and grief, the list goes on. However, with so many challenges, three bigger ones stand … Read More

How to Deal with Grief Over the Holidays


The holiday season, often bringing about joy and togetherness, can be difficult for those who are currently grieving the loss of a loved one. At Lenity Light Hospice, we understand that the holidays may amplify feelings of sorrow and loss, … Read More

Be Keen to Hygiene: Essential Hygiene Tips for Caregivers of Homebound Patients


To be around a homebound patient means watching your loved one slowly become unable to do the everyday things they used to do. Simple tasks like getting up to go to the bathroom, going to the kitchen, eating food, bending … Read More

Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Hospice Patients


Maintaining a balanced diet can be challenging for hospice patients, especially when their health conditions make consuming certain foods difficult. However, it is essential that hospice patients still receive a balanced nutritional diet suited to their preferences. This will help … Read More

What Happens in the Last 24 Hours Before Death? A Hospice Perspective


The final 24 hours of a person’s life can be a deeply emotional time for both the dying person and their loved ones. At Lenity Light Hospice, we strive to provide compassionate care and support during this delicate period. Understanding … Read More

Understanding Breathing Patterns in Hospice


As the end of life approaches, changes in breathing patterns can be both noticeable and concerning for patients and their loved ones. Breathing, a vital function, reveals much about a person’s overall health. In hospice care, where ensuring comfort and … Read More

Understanding Home Hospice Care


Hospice care is a specialized type of care designed to provide comfort and support to individuals and their families during the advanced stages of a terminal illness. Home hospice, specifically, is provided in the familiar surroundings of a patient’s own … Read More

What is AIDS? Understanding and Managing End-Stage HIV Through Holistic Hospice Care


What is AIDS? End-stage Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which is the final phase of the continuous progression of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, marks a key turning point where individuals face a multitude of hardships and challenges. This leads to a comprehensive and multifaceted … Read More

How to Handle Seizures at the End of Life


Yes, you heard it right. Contrary to common belief, patients in Hospice, receiving supportive care, often live longer. They find greater happiness and enjoy an improved quality of life. How is this possible? After all, isn’t Hospice just about the … Read More

How to Manage Sundowning in Hospice Care


Understanding and Managing Sundowning in Hospice Care: Essential Strategies Sundowning, a term often associated with the late stages of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, refers to the increase in confusion, agitation, and anxiety that typically occurs in the … Read More

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes


Diabetes is a chronic condition affecting millions worldwide, characterized by high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. It’s crucial for patients and their caregivers to recognize the signs and symptoms of diabetes to manage the condition effectively, even in … Read More

Innovations in Hospice Medications: New Therapies and Approaches to Enhancing Comfort and Quality of Life


In hospice care, patient comfort and well-being are paramount. End-of-life patients need medications to manage symptoms and improve their quality of life. Innovations in pharmaceuticals and palliative care have led to hospice-specific therapies. In this article, we’ll discuss hospice medication … Read More

Understanding Seasonal Depression in Hospice Care: A Guide for Caregivers


As the seasons change, so do our emotions and physical well-being. Seasonal depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), affects many people, including those in hospice care and their caregivers. This condition, characterized by depression that occurs at the … Read More

Beyond the Physical: Exploring the Spiritual Dimensions of Hospice Care


Spirituality in Hospice Care  Sometime back, I was reading about a holocaust survivor, Viktor E. Frankl, who pioneered the term Logotherapy- which defined “meaning and therapy.” He postulated that humans are driven by a fundamental need for meaning, arguing that … Read More

11 Things To Talk About With Your Loved One As They Approach The End Of Their Journey


It’s About The Journey  When the time comes, it can be difficult to have open and meaningful conversations about your loved one’s end-of-life journey. There is no easy way to begin talking about the end. Here are some helpful suggestions … Read More

Thoughtful Gifts for Hospice Patients: A Guide to Compassionate Giving


When a loved one is receiving hospice care, finding ways to express love, care, and support becomes a priority for many families and friends. However, selecting an appropriate gift for someone in hospice can be challenging. The key is to … Read More

Isolation and Loneliness in the Elderly


In the year 2023, the United States Surgeon General penned an advisory that echoed through the vast landscapes of our nation, a call to attention, a plea to recognize the shadows cast by isolation and loneliness. In the quiet corners … Read More

Debunking Common Misconceptions About Hospice Care


Hospice care plays a crucial role in providing compassionate support during challenging times. However, misconceptions surrounding hospice can hinder individuals and families from seeking the assistance they truly need. In this article, we will delve into the common myths about … Read More

Finding Strength in Vulnerability: Exploring Emotional Resilience in Hospice Patients 


Bridging Regrets and Reunions:  As the darkness of the hospital night surrounded me, the persistent beeping of monitors seemed to wage war against my tiredness. It had been an exceptionally demanding day, as I found myself in the chaos of … Read More

Can Someone in a Coma Still Hear? Navigating Caregiving and Conversations in Hospice 


A coma is a state of deep unconsciousness that can be brought on by various medical conditions, such as severe brain injuries or certain illnesses. For loved ones and caregivers, it raises many questions, one of which is whether someone … Read More

Navigating Financial Planning at End of Life: A Guide for Peaceful Transitions


Discussing financial planning during the end of life can be a challenging yet essential conversation. It’s about ensuring peace of mind for both the individual approaching life’s final chapter and their loved ones. This blog post aims to guide you … Read More

Navigating Dementia Care: A Compassionate Approach to Supporting Loved Ones


Dementia is a progressive condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide, impacting their memory, thinking, and social abilities. As challenging as it is for those diagnosed, it’s equally taxing for their families and caregivers. Having effective strategies and compassionate approaches … Read More

Understanding the Compassionate World of Hospice Care: More Than Just End-of-Life Support


Hospice care, often misunderstood, is a specialized form of care aimed at providing comfort and quality of life for individuals at the end of their life’s journey. It’s not just about medical care in the final days but a comprehensive … Read More

Pet Therapy In Hospice


In times of the deterioration of one’s health, maintaining physical and mental well-being is crucial in sustaining a comfortable lifestyle, especially in hospice. Therapy through pets has proven to bring countless benefits to fulfilling emotional needs, as well as having … Read More

Dealing with Uncontrolled Pain 


During my tenure, I’ve encountered instances where unconscious patients later recollected the painful procedures they underwent. After regaining consciousness, they share accounts of the painful experiences they underwent because their pain wasn’t managed. Witnessing their tears shed light on a … Read More

Embracing The Journey: Compassionate Guide for Cancer Patients on Hospice Care 


Over the years as a nurse, I’ve had the privilege of being part of many patients’ deeply personal journeys. Each person’s story, especially those courageously battling cancer, is their own, filled with memories, hopes, fears, and dreams. From my experiences … Read More

Addressing Agitation and Aggression in Hospice Patients 


As a doctor working closely with hospice patients for years, I’ve encountered numerous challenging situations that have underscored the significance of addressing agitation and aggression in these vulnerable individuals. These experiences have not only highlighted the complexity of end-of-life care … Read More

Unraveling the Stages of Grief for Healthcare Professionals and Caregivers


“Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.”  Death is a natural part of life, but it can be a challenging and emotional journey for both individuals and their loved ones. When faced with the end … Read More

Engaging Activities for Dementia Patients: Keeping Loved Ones Active


“Dementia resembles delirium in the same way an ultra-marathon resembles a dash across the street. Same basic components, vastly different scale. If you’ve run delirium’s course once or twice in your life, try to imagine a version that never ends.”  … Read More

Coping With Caregiver Guilt


How to Cope with Caregiver Guilt: A Compassionate and Informed Guide for Caregivers  What is Caregiver guilt?  Caring for a loved one is an act of compassion and dedication that often comes with its own set of challenges. Caregivers selflessly … Read More

What is DNR? Misconceptions Regarding Advanced Directives and DNR Orders


United States Laws allow Advanced Directives (AD) in every state. Laws do vary from state to state as do forms. When looking at setting up an Advanced Directive or other healthcare orders, patients and families should look to local state … Read More

Inappropriate Sexual Behavior In A Patient With Dementia


Sexual behavior in elderly is normal and sex drive remains intact at baseline levels. Societal stereotypes result in classification of all sexual behavior in elderly as inappropriate. It is important to distinguish appropriate vs inappropriate sexual behavior. There is no … Read More

Practical Holiday Tips


Holidays can be enjoyable despite the limitations and stress of caring for loved ones. These moments can help build strong memories and give you something to look back at and smile upon. Be Realistic In Setting Your Expectations Take Care … Read More

Activities To Do With A Loved One As They Get Closer To The End 


Caring for a loved one near the end of their life can be challenging, especially for your loved one who doesn’t want to feel like a burden. During this delicate period, creating meaningful memories and engaging your loved one in … Read More

Care Tips for Hospice Patients with Congestive Heart Failure 


Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), while not the most prevalent of conditions, can nonetheless feel like an uphill battle. But even so, a patient’s time in hospice can be made just a little more comforting, pleasant, or at ease by keeping … Read More

Stroke Impairments and Complications


Cerebral Vascular Accidents (Strokes) are common and most physicians are trained aggressively to recognize symptoms and aggressively treat them. Two thirds of stroke patients are over the age of 65. Strokes remain in the top 5 leading cause of death … Read More

Assessment Of Falls In The Elderly


Falls in elderly can be common. How do you go about deciding clinically if there is an underlying organic etiology that warrants further work up? Falls and unsteady gait are common presenting complaints that physicians routinely evaluate. How do you … Read More

Honoring Loved Ones: How to Make a Memory Journal 


You’ve lost someone special, and your heart aches with their absence. While the pain may fade over time, your love for them will not. One way to honor their memory and ensure their impact lives on is by creating a … Read More

The Principle of Double Effect in Hospice Care: Balancing Ethical Dilemmas


In medical ethics, the principle of double effect helps healthcare professionals navigate through situations where trying to achieve a good result may lead to bad outcomes. This principle guides them in making the best decisions, especially in cases involving end-of-life … Read More

Rainbow Road – Navigating The Precious Time You Have Left


When my sister and I were younger, my grandparents absolutely loved going to a restaurant called Fresh Choice. We would go often and create an evening full of memories out of it. My grandparents lived close by to my parents’ … Read More

How To Create Lasting Memories


We often wait for special occasions to snap a photo or video to catch that exact moment for a “perfect” shot. However, a lasting memory doesn’t have to be an event or a special occasion. Sometimes the best memories are … Read More

Difficult Conversation About Death with Loved Ones 


Difficult Conversation about Death with Loved Ones  Life is a beautiful journey filled with moments of joy, love, and growth. Yet, it is also a journey that ultimately leads us toward the unavoidable destination- Death. While this sensitive topic may … Read More

How to Prepare for Emergencies at Home for Home Bound Patients


The idea of emergencies can be daunting. However, being prepared for them is a step everyone needs to take. In hospice care, helping patients prepare for emergencies comes down to a few helpful key points. Hopefully, with a good understanding … Read More

What Does A Hospice Nurse Do?


A hospice nurse plays a integral role in providing care and support to patients who are in the final stages of a terminal illness or nearing the end of their life. Their primary focus is on providing comfort, pain management, … Read More

What Does A Hospice CNA Do?


CNAs Provide Love! CNAs provide Love. There is no better way of putting this. A Hospice Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) is an integral member of the hospice team. They are crucial in providing compassionate care and support to individuals who … Read More

How Can I Pay For My Aging Mom’s Care?


Unfortunately, this is a situation we find a lot of our patients families in when their loved ones start to decline. In short, Medicare does NOT pay for room and board for long term stays. They will pay for short … Read More

What Does A Hospice Social Worker Do?


Social Workers are professionals who provide emotional support and guidance to hospice patients and their families. A hospice social worker is a professional who provides support and assistance to individuals and families facing terminal illness or end-of-life care. They play … Read More

What Does A Hospice Chaplain Do?


Hospice chaplains are very seasoned professionals who provide spiritual and emotional support to their patients and families during the end-of-life care. There are a variety of services that they can offer to them to provide comfort, such as: attentive listening, … Read More

Breaking Hard News: Helping Children Understand the Loss of a Loved One in Hospice Care 


Grieving the loss of a loved one in hospice care is a tremendously painful experience, especially when you are trying to help a child understand it. In this article, I hope to provide a steady, sympathetic resource to help you … Read More

The Haunting Symphony: Witnessing Death Rattle and Embracing Life’s Fragility


It was a pivotal moment in my career as a junior doctor, stepping into the bustling emergency department of the hospital for the very first time. As I embarked on this new chapter, I could feel a mix of anticipation, … Read More

Hospice Nurses: Compassionate Guides through Life’s Final Journey 


A hospice is an establishment that focuses on providing the best quality of life and comfort to chronically ill patients. Nurses play a vital role in delivering high-quality care. They work hard to ensure patients are as comfortable as possible … Read More

Am I Dreaming? 


There is this grand idea that when someone passes on, they “see the light.” That may be true, but what about the folks who have to watch from the other side?   When my Grandma Betty passed, it was the oddest … Read More

Managing Stress As A Caregiver


“1 in 3 caregivers reported being so stressed that performing average tasks seemed challenging.” Stress is not only haunting caregivers but people all around the world. Eighty percent of U.S. workers reported that they feel stressed about their jobs. Stress … Read More

Navigating Loss and Sustaining Purpose: A Journey of Grief, Resilience, and Motivation 


In the depths of the ICU, my heart heavy with the weight of loss, I bore witness to the passing of three souls in the span of a single shift. Each departure left an indelible mark on my spirit, etching … Read More

Spending Valuable Time With A Loved One In Decline 


If you know someone close to you who is declining, you might be unsure of how to make the most out of the time you have left with them. After all, it’s a precious stage you have with them, and … Read More

A Doctor’s Perspective on Death and Loss 


I often find tranquility in the familiar hum of the hospital, where life showcases itself in its raw, unfiltered intensity. The constant bustle – the urgent whispers of nurses, the steady rhythm of heart monitors, the comforting rhythm of breathing … Read More

Practical Advice for Caring for a Dependent Loved One at Home 


As a Registered nurse, I know that caring for a dependent loved one at home may seem intimidating. You could be uncertain of what the future holds, how to meet their needs, and what the best practices are to care … Read More

Rituals to Cope With Transitioning To A Nursing Facility


In the tapestry of life, there are moments that test our resilience and challenge our spirits. One such juncture is the profound transition from the cherished abode of one’s home to the embrace of a nursing home. It is a … Read More

The Realities Of In-Hospital Deaths


The night started out as any other night that month. Night float, 12 hours of cross covering patients for teams that have been hard at work trying to treat patients and get them back home to their loved ones. The … Read More

You Can’t Save Everyone


As a nursing student that was a tough pill to swallow. I’m not referring to patients who have succumbed to their health conditions, but rather those who suffer due to their active non-compliance with their care regimen. During my third … Read More

Coping With Grief – A Personal Journey


For many, experiencing the death of a loved one is among the most trying moments of their lives. Losing a spouse, sibling, or parent leaves a deeper void in our lives than losing any other kind of loved one. Sadness … Read More

A Nurse’s Perspective: How To Handle The Death Of A Patient


When choosing a profession such as nursing to venture into, people are usually aware of the fact that they will be surrounded by sickness and death. While it’s understood that taking care of people with contagious diseases, and deadly viruses … Read More

Bridging Medicine and Humanity: Reflections on Hospice Care


As a young doctor, I was often confronted with the tangible frailty of human life. My medical training had equipped me with the technical knowledge to treat diseases, but nothing prepared me for the profound human experiences that unfolded in … Read More

Some Advice On How to Handle The Loss Of A Loved One


You’re heartbroken? Maybe you’re upset. Or making an effort to understand it all, why did this need to occur? Why at this time? What will life be like now that you’ve lost your loved one? A simple explanation that works … Read More

Watching from the Sidelines – The Value of Time


The value of time is priceless. It is more precious than any treasure the world may carry because it is something you can never recover once used. Observing the end of one’s life is no easy task. It is taxing … Read More

Hospice Care: A Chance At Feeling Whole Again


Hospice may sound like an uncomfortable subject to discuss because of the painful matter at hand, which is the thought of losing a loved one. This results it to be often misunderstood, becoming a topic many families and patients avoid … Read More

Dealing With The Loss Of A Loved One: A General Guide Through Grief


A part of life that everyone is sure to experience at one time or another is to have loved and to have lost. Losing a loved one is the greatest fear of many, yet it is inevitable and can still … Read More

We Get No Choice. If We Love, We Grieve.


The pain of losing your loved ones can be one of the most wretched feelings anyone can experience. I’ll tell you this one secret: You’ll survive this. It’s natural to get tired of people telling you to be brave and … Read More

The Heart-Wrenching Reality of Caring for Dying Patients


It was another busy day in the intensive care unit, and I was already feeling exhausted before my shift had even begun. But as soon as I walked through the door, I knew I had to put on a brave … Read More

Overcoming Grief, A Mourner’s Compass.


Grief can be overwhelming and all-consuming when it comes to the death of a loved one. Whether the loss is expected or not, we’re never sure of how we will cope and it never goes quite as planned. No matter … Read More

The Cycle of Life, Illness, Suffering, Death, Grieving and Healing


Life, Illness, Suffering, Death, Grieving and Healing is the cycle of life we all have been through. Terminal illness and end-of-life care are heart-breaking realities for many people and their families. It is a difficult journey filled with pain, sadness, … Read More



The hardest thing about life isn’t death itself. The hardest thing about life is living alongside death. Side by side we coexist, doing whatever we can to make peace. We work to find comfort and acceptance, which is always easier … Read More

The Pursuit Of A Good Death


Death is Inevitable It is how you go, what you did in the time you had here, and how you are remembered which is important. Death is a significant, normal part of life that all humans will eventually experience. For … Read More

Tips That May Help Foster Healthy Aging:


If you have older family members or loved ones, you may worry a lot about their health as they grow older. As people age, the chances of developing chronic illnesses like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and dementia … Read More

10 Disheartening Reasons I Knew My Mother Needed To Start Hospice Care Immediately


10 disheartening reasons I knew my mother needed to start hospice care immediately “I’m sorry. Given your results, without chemo treatments you have less than 6 months to live.” stated the doctor as he lowered his head and slowly backed … Read More

How To Talk To A Loved One Who Just Got Diagnosed With Cancer?


Dealing with a family member who has cancer can be emotionally and physically challenging. Here are some pieces of advice that may help you navigate this difficult time: Remember, cancer affects not only the individual but also their loved ones. … Read More

What is Hospice Care?


What is Hospice Care? Hospice care is a specialized form of end-of-life care that concentrates on providing physical, emotional, and spiritual support to individuals confronting a terminal illness or condition. A team of healthcare professionals, comprising physicians, nurses, social workers, … Read More

Yes, Patients Live Longer on Hospice Than Without Hospice Services.


I get asked the same question over and over again. How can you say someone lives on hospice longer? Isn’t hospice to help people die, and don’t they just die within a few days? What most patients and families don’t … Read More

What Does Transitioning Mean?


Transitioning is a very specific term in hospice care.  It refers to the final stages of a person’s life.  It is recognized by trained hospice personnel by the changes in a patient’s body that signal that the patient is likely … Read More

Living Longer, Better, Happier on Hospice


Yes, you heard me.  Contrary to popular opinion, patients on hospice who are receiving supportive care, do live longer.  They are happier, and they enjoy a better quality of life.  How is this possible? After all, hospice is just about … Read More

Handling The Affairs Of Loved Ones After They Die


Losing a spouse, parent or loved one is emotionally taxing and challenging. In addition to dealing with your own grief, you must handle numerous phone calls, mountains of paperwork in addition to your own personal affairs. It can get overwhelming … Read More

Hospice isn’t about dying any more. It’s about living. Living to your fullest extent in the time God has given you.


No one wants to put their loved one on hospice. Yet, hospice exists to fulfill that void we feel deep down within ourselves we have when caring for a loved one and we feel very alone. More importantly, hospice exists … Read More